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What Should You Do At A Car Accident Scene

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Posted By SalterHealy | May 10 2022 | Car Accidents

We get this question a lot.  The first thing to do is to check on everyone in your car to get an idea who is hurt and how bad they’re hurt.  If you’re well enough to check on people in the other vehicle, it’s fine to do that next.  If you’re too injured, just stay in your car until help arrives.

Call 911

Once you’ve checked on everyone, the next thing you should do is Call 911 so law enforcement and medical personnel come to the scene of the accident as soon as possible.

Obtain Witness Phone Numbers

After making the call to 911, you want to get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses to the accident who stayed at the scene.  We’ve had countless cases over the years where witnesses have helped at the scene of the accident but didn’t leave their name and phone number.  Getting those witness names and phone numbers can be the difference between winning and losing a claim for injuries.  Even in those accidents where it’s clear the other driver is at fault, once the insurance company or opposing lawyers get a hold of the Defendant, they often change their tune and find a way to argue that you were at fault.  That’s where the independent witnesses can be a huge help.

Photograph Cars and Scene

Next, if you can take pictures of the damage to the vehicles, location of the crash, or any debris in the road, that can be essential evidence.  So take pictures at the scene if you or one of your passengers is physically able to do so.  Then wait on law enforcement to complete their work so you obtain a Driver’s Exchange of information with all of the pertinent driver, vehicle and insurance information.

Seek Immediate Medical Care

Your next stop should be immediate medical care.  Finally, if you have any questions about your accident while at the scene, you can reach one of our attorneys 24/7 by calling our office.

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