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Should I Talk to the Insurance Company After My Accident?

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Posted By Legal Team | September 5 2023 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury

After a vehicle accident occurs, there will be several steps you need to take in order to ensure the validity of your claim. You can be sure that the insurance carriers will want to speak to you fairly soon after the incident occurs. This includes not only your insurance carrier but possibly even the insurance carrier(s) of the other parties involved. Here, we want to discuss whether or not you should talk to the insurance company after your accident occurs.

Reporting the Crash is a Must

A law requires that the vast majority of vehicle accidents be reported to law enforcement officials. In this state, drivers must report the incident to the police if an individual sustains an injury, if someone dies, or if property damage is estimated to be at least $500. This typically includes most vehicle accidents that occur on Florida roadways.

In addition to reporting the vehicle accident to law enforcement officials, individuals should also report the accident to their insurance carrier as promptly as possible. The initial report does not have to be given in much detail. However, the insurance carrier does need to know about the incident, preferably on the same day the incident occurs. Most insurance carriers allow for easy reporting processes through phone apps or online, but this can also be done over the phone.

Choosing Your Words Carefully

You will have to talk to your insurance carrier at some point for most vehicle accident claims. However, you need to keep your interactions with any insurance claims adjuster to a minimum. Choose your words carefully, and stick to the basic facts related to the case as you have already outlined to the police. Do not engage insurance claims adjusters in small talk because anything you say could end up being used against you. For example, saying something as simple as you are “feeling better” could hinder the amount of compensation you receive for medical bills.

Letting an Attorney Handle the Tough Calls

We strongly encourage you to reach out to a skilled car accident lawyer who has experience handling complex claims if another party caused your accident. Your lawyer can take over the entire case on your behalf and handle all interactions with your insurance carrier as well as the insurance carrier for the other party involved.

One thing you should particularly avoid is talking to an insurance claims adjuster for the other driver’s insurance carrier. If the other party was at fault for the incident, then their insurance carrier will be looking for ways to limit how much compensation they pay out or to deny the claim altogether. They will most certainly attempt to contact you in order to get you to say something that could jeopardize your claim.

You should let an attorney handle this on your behalf. The more conversations you have with insurance carriers, the more likely you will be to say something that could ultimately hinder your claim. The goals cover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering, and letting your attorney handle the claim is the best way to accomplish that goal.

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